Saturday, 12 March 2016

What you have heard in secret, shout it out from the rooftops

The devotee knelt to be initiated into discipleship. The guru whispered the sacred mantra into his ear, warning him not to reveal it to anyone. "What will happen if I do?" asked the devotee. 
Said the guru, "Anyone you reveal the mantra to will be liberated from the bondage of ignorance and suffering, but you yourself will be excluded from discipleship and suffer damnation." 
No sooner had he heard those words, than the devotee rushed to the marketplace, collected a large crowd around him, and repeated the sacred mantra for all to hear. The disciples later reported this to the guru and demanded that the man be expelled from the monastery for his disobedience. 
The guru smiled and said, "He has no need of anything I can teach. His action has shown him to be a guru in his own right." 
"What you have heard in secret, shout it out from the rooftops"
A little bird whispered: A popular online store, after having bought out an online payment processor is harassing its merchants/affiliates by compelling them to utilize its  newly aquired sister concern's online payment facilities thus giving little/no choice to clients/customers and forcing its merchants into a narrower market.
While this is understandable its good that the company realizes that its popularity and customer base come from its people, the very people who promote it. Put people before profits!. 
Secondly any 'captive economy' however strong will not survive very long.
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