Sunday, 6 March 2016

Parasite and the predator!! And I try not to be both!

A monkey and a hyena were walking through the forest when the hyena said, "Each time I pass by those bushes there, a lion jumps out of them and mauls me. I don't know why."

"I'll walk with you this time," said the monkey, "and side with you against the lion."

So they started to walk past the bushes when the lion pounced on the hyena and nearly mauled it to death. Meanwhile, the monkey watched the proceedings from the safety of a tree that he had run up the moment the lion appeared.

"Why didn't you do something to help me?" moaned the hyena.

Said the monkey, "You were laughing so much I thought you were winning." 
Ever been in a situation like that? At least once?
I have, many times, and each time I look at 'me' and have a hearty laugh.
I dont know about you, but I have found that I have two sides to me, the Parasite and the predator!! And I try not to be both!!!!
A preacher put this question to a class of children: “If all good people were white and all bad people black, what colour would you be?”
Little Mary Jane replied: “I’d be streaky!”
So would the Preacher. So would the Mahatmas, Popes and saints.
A man, looking for a good church to attend, happened to enter one in which the people and the priest were reading from their Prayer Book: “We have left undone those things which we ought to have done, and we have done those things which we ought not to have done.”
The man dropped into a seat and sighed, “Thank goodness, I’ve found my crowd at last.”
Attempts to hide your streakiness will sometimes be successful, always dishonest.
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