At a banquet in Washington, Wellington Koo the Chinese diplomat, was seated next to a smart-alec journalist who remarked: 'Likeee soupee'? And laughed at his own joke. Ambassador Koo kept his cool, bided his time, said nothing. Later when called upon to make a speech, he delivered an address in flawless English. As he sat down beside his companion the Chinese turned good-humouredly to the red-faced journalist and asked: Likeee Speecheee?
Allan Finn narrates this story in his collection, 'I wish I hadnt said that'. So today, tomorrow, and everyday after, remember If you have nothing nice to say don’t say it.
Author Frank Scully was a cripple forced to spend his many years in bed, yet he found time, energy and courage to write many book and articles which were lapped up by the press.
When Gloria Swanson asked him how he managed to write so much when in bed here’s what He said: "After a few days of illness, the patient has to decide whether he is going to be alive or dead. Since I am labelled an invalid I wake up each morning and look up the obituary column of the local newspaper. If my name does’nt appear among the dead, I start planning out the days work. In my enjoyment of hours of creative work, I forget my illness and also have plenty to show at the end of the day".
Frank Scully:'you’re not really crippled unless your mind is also in a splint'.
AJ Cronin was a medical doctor who was froced to take a long rest-cure. He decided to spend his time writing, something he had never done, yet his first novel Hatters Castle became a runaway success. Cronin gave up doctoring and took to full-time writing as a profession.
Gems of Wisdom:
Men who have much to say use the fewest words.
In killing time, see that you don’t murder opportunity.
When there is a ghost of a chance, never give up until you give up the ghost.
Wht you do tomorrow will never make up for what you lost today.
Tact is the act of making the other fellow feel more important than he is.
Nearly all men can stand adversity; but if you want to test a mans character, give him power.
Its only when I want to hurt someone that I need power, for everything else love is enough.
Whatever the disappointments, failures, losses etc., you might have had in the past month, let the quotes above inspire you to new opportuinity, infuse new impetus to begin the new month, today with renewed energy, vision and growth that follows. Great people dont do different things they do the same things, only differently.
Remember: "The strongest oak of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun."
-Napoleon Hill
-Napoleon Hill
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#Washington #Wellington Koo #Chinese Diplomat #Ambassador #Companion #Journalist #Allan Finn #Collection #Frank Scully #Gloria Swanson #Newspaper #Crippled #AJ Cronin #Hatters Castle #Runaway Success #Profession #PetesPlace #School of Catering #Hospitality #Wisdom #Education for Living and for Making a Living #Successfully Completed #Socio-Economic #Crowd Funding #YouCaring