A wise man arrived at a village and the people paid no importance to him. Except for a small group of young people, the wise man was of no interest to anyone; on the contrary, he became a object of irony for the inhabitants of the city.
One day while he was walking down the main street with some of his disciples a group of men and women began to insult him.
The wise man went up to them and blessed them. When they left, one of the disciples remarked: "They say terrible things about you, and you answer them with nice words."
And the wise man replied: "Each one of us can only offer what we have."
The old woman didn’t have many visitors. But every couple mornings, a concerned and wise young nurse would go into her room. She didn’t try to speak or ask questions of the old lady. She simply pulled up another rocking chair beside the old woman and rocked with her. Weeks or months later, the old woman finally spoke.
‘Thank you,’ she said. ‘Thank you for rocking with me.’
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