“Why is it,” said the rich man to his minister, “that people call me stingy when everyone knows that when I die I’m leaving everything to the church?”
“Let me tell you a fable about the pig and the cow,” said the minister. “The pig was unpopular while the cow was beloved. This puzzled the pig. ‘People speak warmly of your gentle nature and your sorrowful eyes,’ the pig said to the cow. ‘They think you’re generous because each day you give them milk and cream. But what about me? I give them everything I have. I give bacon and ham. I provide bristles for brushes. They even pickle my feet! Yet not one likes me. Why is that?'”
“Do you know what the cow answered?” said the minister. “The cow said, ‘Perhaps it is because I give while I’m still living.'”
A friend of mine had a shelf full of joke books, but I've never heard him relate a single one. "What do you do with these jokes, Bertie? I asked him one day '
"Laugh at them" he answered. "Pity" I remarked,
"Whats pitiful about it" he asked in surprise.
"That you did'nt pass them on, Bertie" I explained and he agreed to try out the experiment.
We met the next day. :Works well" he beamed "the lunchroom was never so noisy, never had so much fun before, myself" The fun is mutually infectious. What ever it is 'toot your talent'
At PetesPlace, Where Education is for Living and for Making a Living, we are committed to bringing change into the lives of children, giving them Education for Living and for Making a Living. Skill sets to help bring about a socio-economic change in their lives.
The previous batch successfully completed with 100% placement. The Next batch commenced the first week of April.
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#PetesPlace #Where Education is for Living and for Making a Living #mutually infectious #Pig, #Generous #Church #Stingy #Puzzled
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