Thursday, 28 January 2016

Are you Still Treasure Hunting or are you Tapping into Your Own Treasures

Everything I write and you read here is written to emphasize y/our strengths. I am reminded of the story of Russell Herman Conwell. He was born in 1843, became an editor, a teacher, a clergyman. One day some young people came to him and asked him to offer them some college-level  coaching-classes, because they couldn't afford to go to college. He envisioned that it would be wonderful to start a college for capable, willing, yet financially indigent youngsters. So he went around the country giving talks in order to raise the money, which eventually was used to build Temple University, in Philadelphia.
This is a reproduction of one of his stories on his lecture tour:
A farmer in Australia heard that other farmers had sold their little farms, gone off prospecting for diamonds, and had become very wealthy. He couldn't wait to do the same. Finally he found a buyer, took the money, and started prospecting for diamonds. At the end of one month, nothing happened, then three months, fruitless, then six months, no success. Finally after a year of fruitless effort, he became so despondent that he jumped off a bridge and committed suicide.
Meanwhile, back on the farm, the man who bought the acreage from the farmer invited a friend over for dinner one night. His friend was admiring a rock that was on the mantelpiece. He was astounded. It was the largest diamond he had ever seen. The farmer said, "I just found that in the stream on our property. We have acres of them all over the place!" The diamonds were unrecognizable because they were in rough, uncut form.
The moral of the story is simple. The first farmer went in search of diamonds everywhere, whereas he was sitting on them at home all the time. Also, even if he saw them, he wouldn't recognize them because they were in a form he wasn't familiar with. They were uncut. 
I liken the work I have started to something similar to this. I see a great future for PetesPlace, something fantastic is what I see. I have asked the Universe to help me get it and I am confident it is on its way. The only reason I have'nt got it yet is because there's someone out there who needs it more, at this moment, than I do. From the shelter of my mind, through the windows of my eyes I see the big picture. A visual and a projection , both running concurrently, on the same screen. One full of life, love and laughter, the other exhibting pictures of self-doubt and failure and I choose Life, love and laughter. "Behiold I put before you Life and Death, Blessing and Curses (self-doubt and failure) - Choose Life!" 
I need to start giving talks, Career Counselling In High Schools and Junior Colleges, in order to raise the money, which will eventually be used to build PetesPlace. 
At PetesPlace, we have begun regular classes as scheduled from the 18th Jan 2016. I want to thank you all for the tremendous support and encouragement you have been over the past 3 months while I was working to get this project on track. We have got five students within the first couple of weeks of opening admissions/registrations and hopefully we should have more signing up before the end of the month. I still need your financial assistance for the audio/visual equipment required for our class room presentations. My estimate is that if each of my 500+ IBO friends contribute just $2 it will help me with the target amount required to add to our teaching aids.  I will be much obliged if you could help and share this with your friends and associates. Thank you in advance. You can contribute thru' our
or simply thru' your Paypal A/c to:

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